At the present time the emergence of the council is facilitated by a few individuals who were brought together in the days following Ejna’s presentation at Plum Village on Nov, 6, 2019.
These include:
Ejna Fleury:
The inspiration for this council came to me in a dream in 1988. (see Hogan Dream). The power of the dream and the synchronicity or magic (if you will) in its manifestation at this exact time in our human journey are becoming more impactful and resonant with each passing month, week, day! Similar to the force of the global plague bringing our entire humanity almost to a Standstill in ‘initiation;’ SEC is multi-dimensional, multi-faceted, compelling, and dynamically challenging all of us involved into a listening, a discernment and quickening of our service; a willingness to evolve; and a deepening of our devotion to the sacred in all things. For me personally, it is a place to be evolved, to blossom in dynamic interplay with the Deep; it is transforming me even as I write. My mission and purpose as a member of SEC is as Martin Shaw so succinctly and eloquently states: “…a re-consecration of our place in the holiness of existence.” One caveat to this would be: Collective recognition that we have always been holy and to live in that accord with humankind, beloved Earth and the Cosmos.
Grandmother Ejna Jean Fleury:

Greetings to you my Relative(s)!
Miniconjou, Oglala, Hunkpapa, & Ihanktonwan of Great Sioux Nation
Enrolled member of Crow Creek Sioux Tribe, South Dakota
Mystic, Visionary & Ceremonialist
Peace Ambassador Crow Creek Sioux Tribe
Founder of Crow Creek Kunsi/Unci Grandmothers Society
Founder Sacred Earth Council
International Coordinator of Four Worlds Holistic Health Program for Elders & Leaders
Commissioner: Global Justice and Healing Commission
Spiritual activist & counselor
Meditation and Consciousness Facilitator & Healer
RN, BS Nursing, MA Counseling Psychology
Former Faculty, University of Minnesota, School of Nursing
Parliament of World Religions: Healing Hearts at Wounded Knee, 2015
Dharma Talk & Ceremony, Plum Village, France: Earth Week, 2019
Co-Sponsor Horse Dance Ceremonies for Healing of Women & Children 2015-18 with Chief Arvol Looking Horse
Co-Established Consultation for all United States Tribes with Centers for Medicare~ Medicaid & 20 Departments of government
Founder Healing Hearts at Wounded Knee: global wide ceremonies with pledge to end war and massacre
Founder Sacred Earth Council hosting a 4-year ceremonial cycle to heal multi-generational trauma within all of humankind
Grandmother Fleury can be reached throught the “Contact Us” page on this website.
Chief Phil Lane, Jr. :
Hereditary Chief Phil Lane Jr. is an enrolled member of the Ihanktonwan Dakota and Chickasaw Nations and is an internationally recognized leader in human, community, and economic development.
During the past 50 years, Chief Lane has worked with Indigenous Peoples from the Americas, Micronesia, South East Asia, China, India, Bhutan, Hawaii, and Africa. He served 16 years as an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Education at the University of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada (1980-1996).
In 1982, Chief Lane founded the Four Worlds International Institute (FWII). As well, Phil is Chairman of Four Directions International and Compassion Games International.
Chief Lane has been the recipient of multiple awards and recognitions. He was the first indigenous person to win the prestigious Windstar Award, presented annually on behalf of the late John Denver and the Windstar Foundation. In 2000, he received the Year 2000 Award for Freedom and Human Rights given by the Swiss Foundation. In 2008, Chief Lane received the Ally Award presented by the Center for Healing Racism for his dedicated work, for more than 19 years, as one of the key Indigenous leaders in the resolution of Canada’s Residential School issue, which involved the sexual, physical, cultural, psychological, and emotional abuse of thousands of Aboriginal children in Canada.
On August 15, 1992 in recognition of his hereditary lineage of leadership and longtime service to Indigenous Peoples and the Human Family, Indigenous Elders from across North America recognized Phil as a Hereditary Chief of the Hinhan Wicasa and Deloria Tiospayes of the Ihanktonwan Dakota, through a Traditional Headdress Ceremony.
Since 2008, Chief Lane has stepped into global leadership. He currently serves as a member of the American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES), Council of Elders. He is host of the Shift Network’s Global Indigenous Wisdom Summits. As well, Chief Lane is an Honorary International Advisor to the Help Foundation of Beijing.
Emelina Legrand:
Since very early in life I had a deep connection with this planet’s life and its spiritual realm. My spiritual path has been colored by different traditions and cultures. Many Years I dedicated myself to work as a Marine Biologist to protect marine beings before I realized humans needed to evolve to a spiritual intelligence, which is my current endeavor. Together with my husband Thomas, we have carried out ceremonies in different sites of the world, seeding light in the sacred body of mother earth. We feel honored and deeply grateful for being parts of the Earth and humanity preparation for the transformation to come. Soul traveling and dreaming have guided my contribution to the emergence of the Sacred Earth Council.
Thomas Legrand:
My spiritual and professional path in the field of sustainability – with a deep connection to the forest – have brought me the firm conviction that spiritual wisdom is to become the foundation of our societies. I have worked and lived in many countries, discovered and practiced with several spiritual traditions, and dreamt of their coming together into one nascent Earth wisdom. I feel honored and humbled by the vision we received, marveled by the synchronicities and the spirit at work behind the Sacred Earth Council emergence. From the beginning of this journey, one thing is clear: this is not in our hands but that of the spirit ! Each time I step into this sacred work, I feel the magic and the joy to serve.
Robin Tejwelus Youngblood
Robin Tekwelus Youngblood, Okanagon/Tsalagi, is a minister, teacher, author, artist, and a shamanic practitioner/healer. She has been a student of her heritage for many years. She has learned the sacred teachings of Indigenous elders from her own Native American tribes, along with Siberian, Polynesian and Aboriginal elders. As a healing practitioner, Robin offers Soul Retrieval, Aura Cleansing, Cord-Cutting, Crystal Healing, and Soul Readings. Robin travels the world, offering Medicine Wheel, Wheel of Relationships and Wheel of Co-Creation Workshops; Medicine Wheel Constellations; and facilitating Dance to Heal the Earth, as well as ceremonies such as Sweat Lodge and Vision Quest.
Robin has been a member of the Seven Generations World Wisdom Council, which organized multicultural Wisdom Gatherings in several countries. She is also a founding member of Grandmothers Circle the Earth, was Traveling Ambassador from 2009-2018, and helped establish Grandmother Circles and Councils wherever she travels. Currently, Robin is a board member of Sacred Earth Council, an organization dedicated to honoring the Sacred in all beings, helping to heal global trauma, systemic racism, and build sustainable systems in developing nations in order to restore balance and co create a better world.
Since 2012, Robin has circumnavigated the earth four times, sharing teachings and ceremonies. As a graduate of Barbara Marx Hubbard’s “Agents of Conscious Evolution” training, Robin is a Guide for the Wheel of Co-Creation, a method of working with others to co-create sustainable lifestyles that honor Mother Earth and All Our Relations.
You can find Robin at www.churchoftheearth.org, at www.dancetohealtheearth.org and on her new Facebook group, Birthing a New Earth. Robin is author of “Path of the White Wolf, An Introduction to Shamanism” with Sandra D’Entremont, as well as several music CDs. For the last several years, Robin has taught online Shamanic Courses through shamanation.org.
If interested, please email her at [email protected]
Russell Boulding:
The call I received to participate in the formation of the Sacred Earth Council came out of the blue in the form of an email from Thomas in early November, 2019 saying that he an Emelina, with whom I have worked on Earth healing projects before, had “received some directions for our Earth healing work” and asking if I could join them in a Zoom call. Ejna, Emelina and Thomas had just connected at Plum Village, as described in the Council’s Story of Emergence. After hearing Ejna’s dream and the synchronicities that brought her together with Thomas and Emelina, I said “I’m in.” I bring to the Council a deep love for Mother Earth, expressed through my work with the Earth Energy Healing Network (http://www.earthenergyhealing.org/) and a deep love for humanity, expressed through my Great Shift work (http://www.preparingforthegreatshift.org/)
Lynne Sagen
Sacred Ceremonialist, Webmaster, Technologist, Designer, Here in support of the Sacred Earth Council and it’s mission to be of service.
“Soft and Fluffy” Photo by Malcolm Lightbody on Unsplash